Thursday, January 24, 2013

More school & Annabelle's 18 month checkup

So not only did Gracie start school this week but Annabelle had her 18 month checkup. Needless to say it went pretty much how I expected! She screamed at the top of her lungs because they talked to her. Yep, no shots just talked to her and checked a few measurements and she screamed the entire time. While doc was checking her at and she was pushing him away he said wow she is a firecracker! My reply was you have no idea!!! Anyway she checked out great and out of there we were!

I absolutly can't get enough of this girl! For the last three morning she has been waking up super early running in our room asking if it is time for school yet! Early as in anywhere between 4:30-5:30.....

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