Monday, May 9, 2011

Sickness, Sickness Please Go AWAY!!!

I am SOOO tired of this sickness that we can't seem to get rid of. Our house has had it on and off for over two weeks. It all started Easter Weekend when Gracie got the stomach bug and was throwing up. Then she in turn passes it to Tommy the day before her treatment. Luckily he was over it quickly. Then the weekend after her treatment Thomas started throwing up and he and I have been battling a cough for about 3 weeks now. Then just when I thought everyone was all done with the sickness Thomas woke up from his nap yesterday with 103 fever. So when he got up this morning he is was not feeling well. We went to the doctor only to find out he has a double ear infections, strep throat and really bad allergy's.....


Kevin & Jacki Smith said...

Katie, I so hope it goes away soon! We had a month like that last month. Praying for a healing!

Irene Weeks said...

ugh. Rebecca came home early from school today with some throw up crud. Hope you all are better soon. I have been keeping Gracie in my prayers.